One of the most difficult parts about landscaping is controlling soil erosion, especially if the property has hilly or uneven areas. Luckily, we have years of experience here at Country Green Turf Farms, and we can help you with any of your large landscaping projects. To control for soil erosion, there are many different techniques you could use though they vary widely in methodology and cost. One way to fight soil erosion is to hydroseed the area.
Hydroseeding is also known as hydraulic mulch seeding, hydro-mulching, and hydraseeding. It’s a planting process that serves as an alternative to the traditional process of either broadcasting or sowing dry seed. The hydroseeding process utilizes a “slurry” of seed and mulch. The slurry is transported in a tank and sprayed over the prepared area in a layer. Hydroseeding is a great way to promote quick germination of the seed and it inhibits soil erosion!
Hydroseeding can be a great way to prevent soil erosion if your budget doesn’t allow for sod or you need a custom grass mix. Call Country Green Turf Farms to find out more!
Using hydroseeding as a form of soil erosion control is great, but hydroseeding also has multiple other benefits. Hydroseeding is often used to seed grass on commercial sites such as roads and highways
Hydroseeding is one of the most cost-effective choices when it comes to establishing turf when needing custom seed mixes or budgets don’t allow for sod.
Preparation for hydroseeding and sod are both the same. The difference is that sod is delivered as mature plants and hydroseed needs time, effort and is more dependent on ideal conditions to reach the same point.
Hydroseeding is much faster than other techniques, up to 50% faster than conventional methods. The tackifying agents in the slurry mixture bind to the soil almost instantly to help provide stability in the area. This process helps seeds take root.
Additionally, the slurry has excellent water-retention and can hold up to 10 times its weight in water. Traditionally, hay and straw were used to protect newly planted seeds, but hay and straw can’t absorb or hold water. The extra moisture promotes seed germination, as quickly as 3 to 5 days after application of the hydroseeding slurry. This quick bonding and germination firm the soil, which helps prevent erosion.
Hydroseeding works with multiple different seed varieties whether your specification calls for grass, pasture mixes, field mixes, wildflowers, or native plant life. Additionally, the tackifiers in hydroseeding can help stabilize soil in case of a natural disaster, such as wildfire.
In addition to the erosion control benefits of hydroseeding, the slurry mixtures are non-toxic and safe for the environment. Hydroseeding is safe for children and pets alike, so it’s a great choice for both residential and commercial projects.
Whether you’re looking for a beautiful new lawn in Olympia or the surrounding areas or you need help landscaping a commercial property, the team at Country Green Turf Farms can help you make your dream of a lush green lawn a reality. Call today to find out more about how to control surface soil erosion with hydroseeding in Olympia!
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